AI-Powered Market Research Tools: First Look

Discover how DHS PIL's new AI tools are revolutionizing market research and reducing workloads, with a demonstration and discussion on future procurement AI advancements.| Self-Paced Virtual Training | 60 minutes | 1 CPE/CLP | $37 member/$47 non-member

Recorded on 07/24/2023 at World Congress 2023

Description: With more than 100,000 government vendors, locating those capable of performing a specific contract can take hours to days. Identifying contract vehicles for them takes seven hours on average. Come join the DHS PIL for a demonstration of newly launched Artificial Intelligence for market research tools. Hear how the pilot program is reducing market research workload. See what’s next for procurement AI. Ask questions, interact, and have fun!

CMBOK Competencies:

  •   2.0 Pre-Award

Credits: 1 CPE

  • Scott Simpson, Digital Transformation Lead, DHS Procurement Innovation Lab


  • $37 Member/ $47 Non-Member
  • For group registrations, contact [email protected] for assistance. 

Course Access:

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