Contract Changes Pitfalls to Avoid

This course explores challenges presented by contract changes—including changes that are out of scope and unpriced. | Self-Paced | Course | Beginner | 2 CPE/CLP | 2 Hours | $180 member/$230 non-member



Contract changes present several challenges to contract administrators on both the buying and selling sides. This e-course identifies several common issues that often arise, including out-of-scope changes, unpriced changes, and de-scoping the contract effort.

Intended Audience: Contract managers, contract specialists, buyers and sellers

Level of Difficulty: Beginner

Learning Objectives:

  1. Distinguish between changes that may and may not be made to a contract
  2. Respond to unpriced change orders
  3. Negotiate equitable adjustments.

CMBOK Competencies:

  • 4.0 - Post-Award
  • 4.4 - Manage Changes


  • Donald Shannon, CPCM, CFCM, PMP, Fellow

Credits: 2 CPE/CLP


  • $180 member/ $230 non-member

Course Access:

Online registration not available.