Change Acquisition Not-Best Practices to Best Practices

Join an industry-government panel to transform acquisition practices from "Not-Best" to "Best," addressing common issues like vague specifications, unclear evaluation criteria, and incomplete proposals by identifying root causes and promoting effective solutions.| Self-Paced Virtual Training | 60 minutes | 1 CPE/CLP | $37 member/$47 non-member

Recorded on 07/24/2023 at World Congress 2023

Description: Change Acquisition Not-Best Practices to Best Practices We're all familiar with Not Bests--solicitations for services that read like specifications, vague evaluation factors, proposals that describe methods but don’t say how they’ll be implemented, and on and on. Share your own Not-Bests with an industry-government panel and join them in digging out root causes and getting to Best!

CMBOK Competencies:

  • 2.0 Pre-Award

Credits: 1 CPE

  • Lou Kerestesy
  • Bill Weinberg
  • Allan Burman, Fellow
  • Phillip Christy, CFCM
  • Patricia Lomax, Strategic Account Executive
  • Greg Giddens, Partner


  • $37 Member/ $47 Non-Member
  • For group registrations, contact [email protected] for assistance. 

Course Access:

Sign in or create an account to register