Service Contract Act Compliance Challenges

Examine practical strategies to help avoid SCA pitfalls when implementing COVID-related leave and payment policies. | Self-Paced | Webinar | Intermediate | 90 minutes | 1.5 CPE/CLP | $55 member/$69 non-member


Recorded on 02/10/2022


If Service Contract Act (SCA) compliance wasn’t tricky enough already, federal and state programs providing for COVID-related leave and payments have raised unique SCA compliance concerns. In a time of uncertainty, the last thing government contractors need is to take an action that could precipitate a Department of Labor (DOL) investigation or client scrutiny. Watch PilieroMazza’s Nichole Atallah and Sarah Nash as they examine practical strategies to help avoid SCA pitfalls when implementing COVID-related leave and payment policies.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the correlation between remote work and the SCA
  • Discuss the impact of emergency sick leave on SCA compliance
  • Review the concept of vacation payouts for furloughed personnel
  • Evaluate DOL audit risk and exposure

Intended Audience: Government Contract Buyers and Sellers

CMBOK Competency:

  • 3.4 - Regulatory Compliance

Level of Difficulty: Intermediate

Intended Audience: Government contract buyers and sellers

Presenters: Click here to read bios.

  • Nichole D. Atallah, Partner, PilleroMazza
  • Sarah Nash, Partner, PilleroMazza


$55 member/$69 non-member

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