Leveling Up With NCMA Certifications


Jim Doss, CPCM, CFCM, NCMA Fellow sat down with Contract Management magazine to discuss his career, his involvement with NCMA, and the value of earning certifications.


Jim Doss (JD): NCMA is the premier contract management association. I stumbled upon NCMA early in my career while I was studying in law school. I moved to Virginia for work and joined the NCMA Tysons Chapter. Through my time at Tysons, I was able to meet people and grow my professional network. That started in 2014 and here I am 10 years later still involved in NCMA. I’ve built several long-term relationships both professionally and personally through my connections in NCMA. I believe that I wouldn’t be where I am today in my contract management career without my involvement in NCMA. 

NCMA: What pushed you to obtain your CFCM?

JD: I’ve always had a desire for continuous learning and improvement. Early in my career, several individuals in the NCMA Tysons Chapter encouraged me to pursue certification. I’ve been in federal contracting for most of my career, so it made sense to pursue the CFCM. 

I see the CFCM as a key credential that shows that you want to go above and beyond the day-to-day use of the Federal Acquisition Regulation in your job to really master the content enough to be deemed a Certified Federal Contracts Manager. Through hard work I was able to achieve this certification early in my career and it provided a recognition that you wouldn’t ordinarily get when you’re a couple years into your career. 

As I became more seasoned in my career, I looked for something that would make me more well-rounded and discovered the CPCM certification. I believe the CPCM demonstrates that an individual is adding value to the profession. It shows that someone is not only a contributor, but a contract management practitioner. 

Having the CFCM and CPCM helped position me to move from an individual contributor level to a senior management role. The certifications demonstrate the competence expected from someone who is a high-level contributor and who is ready to grow in their career. I have found NCMA certifications to be very beneficial in my career growth. 

NCMA: What networking opportunities have you experienced during your involvement with NCMA?

JD: I cannot talk enough about the value and quantity of networking opportunities that NCMA provides. NCMA provides a forum for individuals who are at all levels of their careers to interact with senior leaders from industry and government in a less formal setting outside of the workplace.

It allows you to make connections and establish relationships with folks that you might not meet otherwise. My experience serving on the Tysons Chapter Board of Directors and going through the CMLDP provided me with the best networking opportunities. The connections I’ve made through these experiences have served me well over the years. 

NCMA: As a hiring manager, do you look for NCMA certifications? How have you incorporated them into your hiring process(es)?  

JD: NCMA certifications are something that I look for in candidates. Holding an NCMA certification shows that a candidate is not only interested in the contract management profession, but they’ve shown a conscious effort and willingness to enhance their skills outside of the workplace. I have found that this can translate to an interest and passion in their daily work which provides added value that may or may not exist in other candidates. 

NCMA: Is there anything about the certification process that surprised you or any advice that you’d give to someone considering certification? 

JD: The one thing about the certification process that surprised me is how smooth and efficient NCMA has made it, starting upfront with pulling the application and supported documentation together and then ultimately taking the exam. It’s a very streamlined and well-run process. CM

For more information about NCMA certifications and the certification process, visit www.ncmahq.org/certification/.
