Mastering Bid/No-Bid Decisions

Business development on government contracting opportunities require significant time, resource, and financial investment. Therefore, contractors much make strategic decisions about what they decided to bid or not bid. Join this training to learn the key decision points and considerations, how to conduct a competitive analysis, and how to navigate the RFP to assess risk. Whether you're new to the field or refining your strategy, you'll gain actionable insights to boost your bidding success and drive growth in your business. | Live Virtual Training | 90-minutes | 1.5 CPE/CLP | $55 member/$69 non-member | Included in the Virtual Training Subscription



This virtual training will equip you with the essential skills and analytical tools needed to make informed bid/no-bid decisions, ensuring that your efforts are focused on opportunities with the highest potential for success. Designed specifically for business owners and contract managers involved in government contracting, this session will cover the RFP landscape, criteria for decision-making, and risk assessment. Whether you’re new to government contracting or looking to refine your bidding strategy, you'll gain valuable insights that can be immediately applied to your business.

Intended Audiance:

  • Industry business leaders, contracting professionals and business development teams. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Apply strategic decision-making frameworks to evaluate bid/no-bid opportunities.
  • Analyze the Request for Proposal (RFP) landscape and risk factors in government contracting
  • Evaluate various bidding strategies and teaming agreements
  • Conduct a competitive analysis 


  • Shene Commodore, CPCM, Fellow, CEO & Founder of Commodore Consulting

CMBOK Competencies:

  • 3.2 Plan Negotiations


Course Access:

Connectivity Requirements: 

  • This training is conducted through My Virtual Training and presented via Zoom. 
  • *Note: Ensure all pop off blockers are disabled.
  • To have all the Zoom features available during the live virtual training, we recommend using the most up-to-date version of Zoom for your system. System Requirements can be found here.
10/10/2024 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
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