Best Practices and Tools for Bid Protest Avoidance

Join this session for a dive into the repeatable best practices and lessons learned for developing solicitations, conducting source selections, and communication between government and industry that are proven to help avoid protests.  Self-Paced Virtual Training | Beginner - Intermediate | 1.5 CPE/CLP | 90 minutes | $55 member/$69 non-member



There's no such thing as ""protest-proof"" but you can avoid many common mistakes that lead to bid protests by applying these best practices and tools and by performing a protest risk analysis of your acquisition before it goes out the door. Join this session for a dive into the repeatable best practices and lessons learned for developing solicitations, conducting source selections, and communication between government and industry that are proven to help avoid protests. Additionally, we will focus on lessons learned from bid protest decisions, including a demonstration of the free Contract Protest Diagnostic Tool (developed by MITRE in collaboration with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)) that provides a customized analysis of protest risk for your acquisition. 

Intended Audiance:

  • Buyers & Primes

Level of Difficulty: Intermediate

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand methods of developing solicitations and conducting source selections that will help avoid bid protests
  • Recognize the impact communication between government and industry can have on decisions to protest.
  • Become familiar with the main components of the Contract Protest Diagnostic Tool (CPDT)
  • Explain how acquisition professionals can use the CPDT to improve procurements while mitigating protest risk.

CMBOK Competencies

  • 2.1 Plan Solicitation
  • 3.3 Select Source


  • Michelle Miller, Director, Procurement Policy, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement)
  • Patrick Staresina, CFCM, CPCM, Acquisition Principal & Group Leader, The MITRE Corporation
  • Patrick Butler, Founder, PBI Consulting, LLC
  • 1.5 CPE/CLP credits for participation


  • $55 member/ $69 non-member

Course Access:

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