Agile Acquisition and the Contract Management Role

This recorded presentation examines the impact of incorporating Agile software methodologies into acquisition packages and the impact on the contract manager’s role. | Self-Paced | Webinar | Intermediate | 1.5 CPE/CLP | 90 minutes | $55 member/$69 non-member

“Agile” can improve success rates for software development contracts, but change requires changing. Implementing a new acquisition life cycle requires a change in the prevailing culture. This recorded presentation examines the impacts of incorporating Agile software methodologies into acquisition packages—as well as the impacts those package changes have on the traditional role of the contract manager.

Intended Audience: Contract Managers, IT specialists

Level of Difficulty: Intermediate

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Determine if an Agile contract requires a significant role change for the contract manager.
  2. Understand the basic principles of Agile software methodologies on acquisition packages.
  3. Identify the impacts of Agile software methodologies on the traditional role of the contract manager.

CMBOK Competencies:

  • 1.0 - Guiding Principles
  • 1.4 - Regulatory Compliance
  • 2.1 - Plan Solicitation


  • Clareice Chaney, CPCM, PMP, Acquisition SME, Principal, The MITRE Corporation

Credits: 1.5 CPE/CLP

Cost: $55 member / $69 non-member

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