Process and Principles of Interpreting Disputed Contracts

This course uses specific examples and cases to examine important considerations when interpreting disputed contracts, the interpretation process, and the principles that apply. | Self-Paced | Course | Intermediate | 2 CPE/CLP | 2 Hours | $180 member/$230 non-member



Disputes related to contract interpretation principles are the most frequent source of contract litigation! All contracting professionals should be well-versed in these principles. For example, did you know that specifically- negotiated terms prevail over boilerplate language? Or that that the way people carry out the contract could contribute to how the contract language will be interpreted? This course uses specific examples and cases to examine important considerations when interpreting contracts, the interpretation process, and the principles that apply.

Intended Audience: Contract managers, contract specialists

Level of Difficulty: Intermediate

Learning Objectives:

  1. Interpret contract clauses using seven principles of interpretation—“The Plain Meaning Rule,” “The Parole Evidence Rule,” and the “Doctrine of Contra Proferentem“ (and its federal exception), to name a few;
  2. Navigate the judicial process for contract interpretation;
  3. Consider the appropriate key issues leading up to a contract interpretation;
  4. Apply interpretation principles to the words of the contract and to matters outside the words of the contract (and how to know which is which); and
  5. Predict how courts may resolve ambiguous contracts

CMBOK Competency:

  • 1.0 - Guiding Principles


  • Kenneth J. Allen

Credits: 2 CPE/CLP



  • $180 member/ $230 non-member

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